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Mt Eden shop

Our doors and ears are always open.

83 View Road, Mt Eden,
Auckland 1024

09 638 8555
09 638 8565

Normal Shop Hours:
9am-5pm  Monday-Friday
10am-4pm  Saturday
11am-4pm  Sunday

Get In Touch With Us Today

For more than forty years Paulmoney HiFi has been the leading specialists for Stereo and Home theatre in Auckland.

If you have questions, we have the answers.

Give us a call or send us a message and one of our knowledgeable staff will be in contact with you asap.

Online Shop Support

   “Brick & Mortar Store”  83 View Road, Mt Eden, Auckland – Ph 09 638 8555 or 09 638 8565

See us on facebook or instagram

Staff Directory

John Tom  (Owner/Director)

09 638 8555

Stephen King  (Senior Salesperson)

09 638 8555

Ben Carroll  (Senior Salesperson)

09 638 8555

Mark McDonald  (Senior Salesperson)

09 638 8555
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